MOE | Tetraplan

MOE | Tetraplan

Preparations Combine project | 2018-2019 | Danish Road Directorate

The Interreg project Combine aims to increase the share of intermodal transport by improving the operation at terminals and reducing the costs of the last mile by introducing new solutions such as platooning, longer/heavier trucks, e-trucks, and LNG-trucks. As preparation for the upstart of the parts that the Road Directorate will be responsible for in the project, different ideas regarding the work was gathered. Experiences from the EMS trial in Denmark, Potential for using EMS as last mile in combined transport, Border-crossing EMS trials, Potential for truck platooning and autonomous trucks and the possibilities of utilizing them in combined transport.

Heavy road vehicles | 2018 | Danish Road Directorate

Updating analysis of the development of heavy road vehicles during the latest years with different changes in the regulations, as the increases in maximum weights. The analysis included interviews with concerned road users.

Support for air traffic in Denmark | 2018 | WSP for Trafikanalys, Sweden

Survey of financial support for airports and airlines in Denmark for a Nordic compilation carried out by WSP. Extending and updating previous reports in 2012 and 2015.

Intelligent Access Monitoring | 2018 | Danish Road Directorate

Analysis of the possibilities of registering special transports on the road in connection with the introduction of the new digital tachograph, as well as studying how special transports are registered in our neighbouring countries.

GREAT Roadmap | 2017-2018 | Region Skåne

Lead the process of preparing a roadmap for the development of infrastructure for alternative fuels in the northern parts of the ScanMed corridor – Hamburg-Oslo / Stockholm for the GREAT project up to 2030. Main focus was infrastructure for electricity and LBG as well as initiatives at European, national, regional and local level. The work also forms the basis for strategy for public partners. Subcontractor to Ramböll Sweden.

Accessibility to Scania ports | 2017-2018 | Region Skåne

Analysis of accessibility to the ports of Helsingborg, Trelleborg and Ystad for Region Skåne. What are the needs for land infrastructure for the ports now and in the future? Development of a scenario based on Trafikverket’s base scenario 2040/2060, adapted Region Skåne’s goal for freight transport 2050, incl. 2 sensitivity analyses. Organising and moderating 2 workshops. With Ramböll Sweden as subcontractor.

Redundancy Railway | 2017-2018 | Region Skåne, Sweden

Analyse the effects that a possible abandonment of rail freight ferry traffic in Skåne would have for affected actors and for society, as well as identify which prerequisites are necessary to be able to maintain rail freight traffic via Trelleborg and Ystad.

Strategy | 2017 | Hector Rail AB

Project leader for strategy project, where a strategy for the company for the coming 3-4 years will be elaborated.

Support for international tenders| 2017 | SJ AB, Sweden

Support regarding tenders on the rail passenger market outside of Sweden. The support included participation in different internal workshops.

Detailed corridor analysis of bus traffic in Skåne | 2017 | Region Skåne, Sweden

As part of the basis for the Region Skåne’s work on the Traffic Supply Program 2019 for Skåne, MOE | Tetraplan provided a detailed corridor analysis for 21 bus corridors in the main route in Skåne and for the large and medium-sized urban bus systems. The work includes mapping, objectives 2030/2050 and potentials, needs and measures for the different corridors.

The Oslo Region Case | 2017 | Eastern Norway County Network, Norway

The project concerns the first part of a feasibility study for possible shift from road freight to rail/sea for transports between the Oslo region via western and southern Sweden and Denmark to Germany/Poland. Detailed description of current situation, future development and scenarios, as well as detailed analysis of results for potential for shift more environmentally adapted transport modes.

Infrastructure planning | 2017 | Jesjo Konsult AB for E12 Atlantica Transport project, Sweden

Mapping of processes for infrastructure planning on regional and national level in Finland, Sweden and Norway. Dialogue process about the border-crossing infrastructure planning, as well as differences in the planning in the 3 countries. The final report will also entail recommendations for development of the processes for border-crossing infrastructure planning in the concerned countries.

E12 Systems analysis | 2016 - 2017 | Ramböll Sverige AB for E12 Atlantica Transport project, Sweden

Systems analysis for the E12 corridor – covering Region Nordland in Norway, Region Västerbotten in Sweden and Region Österbotten in Finland and surrounding areas. Mapping of present transport flows and infrastructure, economic development etc.; Global changes, tendencies and transport development; Aims and goals for the transport development; Analysis of deficiencies and strategic challenges; and Methods for evaluating the effects of infrastructure investments. Preparing and leading 3 international workshops med project partners and external stakeholders.

Nodes and Logistics areas in Sweden | 2016 - 2017 | Ramböll Sverige AB, Sweden for Trafikverket, Sweden

Detailed information regarding important nodes and logistics areas in Sweden for Trafikverket. Create detailed and standardized descriptions for each node and logistics area for different departments within Trafikverket to have access to this information.

Safe school routes and bicycle promotion | 2016 | Egedal Kommune, Denmark

For Egedal Municipality, a road safety study on school roads is carried out with a focus on promoting the bicycle as a means of transport, cf. The pupils’ means of transport to the school are determined, compared with routes to school, traffic accidents and inquiries from citizens for the assessment of sites that are to be roadworthy.

Analysis of freight hubs | 2016 | Region Skåne, Sweden

Analysis of potential development for strategic freight hubs in Scania Region. Description of the freight transport system in the Southern Baltic Region, Mapping of the relevant ports, road/rail hinterland infrastructure, economic structure, present freight flows and infrastructure charges. Development and forecasts as well as analysis of the findings.

CMP Rail competition | 2016 | Copenhagen Malmö Port AB, Denmark

The future of the container terminal in CMP and assessment of possible future competition from rail transport towards 2030 and beyond. Could it be that goods are transferred from ship to rail? What changes in transport can be expected through the establishment of the Fehmarn connection?

HCT-support AlGuns | 2016 | AlGuns Åkeri AB, Sweden

Support in connection with HCT-projects in Sweden. Reporting of data concerning executed runs with double-trailer between Södertälje and Malmö. In addition, expert help regarding potential new projects.

Analysis of tourist coaches | 2015-2016 | Danish Transport, Construction and Housing Authority

The project seeks to rectify the lack of statistical basis in terms of traffic with coaches and their driving duties. Data is collected via interviews, on-line questionnaires and driving books issued to tourist coaches. Data is analyzed for an overview of the traffic with Danish coaches, including driving share abroad.

HCT-application Evald Karlssons | 2015-2016 | Evald Karlssons Åkeri AB; Sweden

Help with application for test with HCT-vehicles, with a length above the allowed 25,25 m. Project leader for the test incl. contacts with other participants. Contact with concerned authorities.

HCT-application EB Logistik | 2015-2016 | EB Logistik AB, Sweden

Help with application for test with HCT-vehicles, with a length above the allowed 25,25 m. Project leader for the test incl. contacts with other participants. Contact with concerned authorities.

HCT System effects | 2015-2016 | MOE A/S - Denmark

Member of the reference group for the Swedish research project System analysis of implementation of HCT on road in Sweden. Participation in meetings, commenting on project reports and the final report of the project. The project analyses what High Capacity Transport in road transport in Sweden may mean for future freight to 2030 and beyond.

Applications for HCT demonstration tests | 2015 | Different Swedish road hauliers

Support and help with applications about HCT-demonstration trial with heavier and/or longer vehicles in Sweden, with use of latest technology and innovations within the vehicles and equipment of vehicle combinations. Moreover, preparation for detailed follow-ups of the trials.

Descriptive analysis of the flow of goods in Skåne | 2014 - 2015 | Ramböll Sweden for Region Skåne, Sweden

Description and analysis of the flow of goods in/through/to/from Skåne with base year 2003 and comparative year 2013. General trends, internationalising trade and transport, freight transport, national development, transport structure, border region, the logistics- and port region, as well as transport flows and key figures were analysed.

Market research for Ystad Port | 2015 | Ystad Port, Sweden

Market analysis for Ystad Port about its future development with a potential relocation of the port. researched the potential ways of strengthening the port from the existing future scenarios drafted in other projects in the Baltic Sea region. Specific actions and tools to shape strategies for the port’s future development were also suggested.

SamDemo - Support for HCT demonstration projects | 2014-2015 | Skogforsk, Sweden for Trafikverket, Sweden

Supporting actors within HCT for their work with new demonstration projects. Includes developing/maintaining, advising different potential actors in setting up applications, data collection about the on-going trials and advise on different research areas that could be interesting to follow within different HCT-demonstration trials with heavier and/or longer vehicles in Sweden, with use of latest technology and innovations within the vehicles and equipment of vehicle combinations.

Development trends in road freight transport | 2015 | Danish Road Directorate

Through data analyses and interviews with stakeholders, we identified and analysed a number of the drivers behind the development of the road freight transport in order to qualify how it will be affected in the future. The drivers included, for example, business location, freight across ports, development in terminals and location of freight hubs.

Secretary of the High Capacity Transport (HCT) research programme | 2013-2015 | Trafikverket, Sweden

Secretary of the steering committee of the Swedish research program for High Capacity Transport (HCT) in which various actors of academy, business and authorities are included. Coordinating the responsible for the 11 work packages with various HCT projects, organizing meetings and workshops etc. In addition, member of steering groups in different HCT projects.

CLOSER High Capacity Transport - Road | 2012 - 2015 | CLOSER/Lindholmen Science Park, Sweden

Supporting CLOSER with different tasks within the High Capacity Transports area.
Member of the steering group of the IAP Pilot project in Sweden, where the Australian Intelligent Access Program will be tested in Swedish vehicles, starting with the first 3 vehicles this summer.
Following the successful delivery of the roadmap for High Capacity Transports – Road in Sweden in April 2013, a number of different activities are expected in order to ensure the development according to the actions and steps proposed in the roadmap. Participation in meetings and working groups, writing papers and producing presentations etc. in Sweden as well as internationally.

More rail freight in Denmark | 2014 - 2015 | Danish Transport Authority, Denmark

Develop solutions for increasing freight transport on the track. Companies with large freight turnover that can be transferred to orbit were mapped. Different and similarities in price and quality between track and car were discovered through case analysis in order to find measures to lift the rail traffic.

Results were discussed and will be included in future work on rail freight traffic.

Workshops Intermodal Transport & green corridors | 2014 | CLOSER / Lindholmen Science Park, Sweden

Preparation and management of two workshops in Gothenburg and Stockholm organized by CLOSER/Lindholmen Science Park in collaboration with Trafikverket, Climate neutral Transport On the Road (KNEG), Network for Transport Measures (NTM), Swedish Sippers Council and Swedish Confederation of Transport Enterprises. Reporting discussion results from the workshops.

NTM – Network for Transport Measures – Secretary of the Transport Procurement Group | 2011-2014 | NTM, Sweden

Permanent secretary in the working group Transport Procurement within NTM – Network for Transports Measures. Participation in different workshops and conferences, promoting NTMCalc, the energy consumption and CO2-emissions calculator as well as further development of tools for higher sustainability within the transport sector. The Working Group works to create an effective method of monitoring the environmental performance of carriers.

Accessibility Atlas for Region Skåne | 2014 | Region of Skåne, Sweden

Tetraplan prepared an accessibility atlas for Region Skåne. As part of this work, a calculation model was built that can calculate and present accessibility by public and car traffic to selected destinations in Skåne and neighboring counties as well as in Eastern Denmark.

Fehmarn Belt Fixed Link, Analysis of Rail Infrastructure Payment | 2013-2014 | Femern A/S, Denmark

Update of report made in 2003 regarding revenue related to rail traffic: Infrastructure charges, assessment of operating costs for passenger and freight trains. Conducted interviews with operators and evaluations of savings.

Coaching of logistics and industrial companies | 2013-2014 | Region Örebro, Sweden

Coaching different companies in Region Örebro within their Sustainable Logistics Project. Coaching and supporting them in decision-making, environmental tools etc. in order to achieve more sustainable transports, including reporting of the results.

Estimation of traffic flows and CO2 emissions in 2030 in the Capital Region | 2013 | Capital Region, Denmark

Collection and summary of various studies and projections of transport in and through the Capital Region until 2030, with special focus on the development after the opening of the Fehmarnbelt link in 2021. The report contains the development in both passenger and freight traffic and the modal distribution.

Swiftly Green - TEN-T project | 2013 | CLOSER/Lindholmen Science Park, Sweden

Preparation of a TEN-T application for support for preparation of the implementation of a multimodal green corridor Sweden-Italy. Finding partners in the participating countries, and detailed descriptions of the planned work for the preparations within the different activities, this is to result in a toolbox and recommended measures, also for other international corridors.

Demo Goods Railway | 2013 | CLOSER/Lindholmen Science Park, Sweden

Scanning of the European market for interesting projects and innovation, which may be part of a larger future demonstration project at the railway station area. Project for Trafikverket, conducted in cooperation with Vectura.

Rail freight demonstration projects | 2013 | CLOSER/Lindholmen Science Park, Sweden

Scanning of the European market for interesting projects and innovations that can be included in a future major demonstration projects in the rail sector. The project is carried out for the Swedish Transport Administration, Sweden, in collaboration with Vectura.

Closer - Shift2Rail for Horizon2020 | 2013 | CLOSER/Lindholmen Science Park, Sweden

Tetraplan worked for CLOSER, who is assisting the Swedish Transport Administration with preparations for Horizon 2020 in the Shift2Rail-project, where they are responsible for the freight transport area – Innovation Pillar 5. Tetraplan and Vectura Sweden acting as project secretariat for Innovation Pillar 5.

GreCOR – Measures for establishment of a green corridor | 2012-2013| Trafikverket, Sweden

Elaboration of a study of measures for establishment of a green corridor between Oslo and Randstad region-Rotterdam. Detailed discussions of possible measures for the establishment and detailed description of these necessary measures.
Lead partner: WSP Analys & Strategi, Sweden with support from Analyse & Strategi, Norway and Tetraplan.

CLOSER roadmap High Capacity Transport - road | 2012-2013 | CLOSER/Lindholmen Science Park

Elaboration of a study of measures for establishment of a green corridor between Oslo and Randstad region-Rotterdam. Detailed discussions of possible measures for the establishment and detailed description of these necessary measures.
Lead partner: WSP Analys & Strategi, Sweden with support from Analyse & Strategi, Norway and Tetraplan.

CLOSER roadmap High Capacity Transport - road | 2012-2013 | CLOSER/Lindholmen Science Park

Project with preparation of a roadmap for High Capacity Transport on road in Sweden – an assignment that CLOSER has received from the Forum for innovation in the transport sector. The assignment included preparation and leading 8 workshops with stakeholders in the area, as well as developing a roadmap for 2015, 2020 and 2030.

EWTC II – Transport development until 2030 – Final report | 2012 | Region Skåne

Within the Interreg-project East West Transport Corridor II, to look into the present and future development of transport flows throughout the corridor, as well as to and from surrounding areas. The task includes coordination and making summaries of 7 sub-studies within task 6B and compiling the findings into a final report. The work is carried out together with Ramböll Sweden.

GreCOR – Measures for establishment of a green corridor | 2012 | Trafikverket, Sweden

Elaboration of a study of measures for establishment of a green corridor between Oslo and Randstad region-Rotterdam. Detailed discussions of possible measures for the establishment and detailed description of these necessary measures. Lead partner: WSP Analys & Strategi, Sweden with support from Analyse & Strategi, Norway and Tetraplan.

COINCO II study for green intermodal corridor Oslo-Öresund-Rotterdam | 2012 | Trafikverket, Sweden

Elaboration of a study of infrastructure, bottlenecks etc. now and towards 2030 between Oslo-Öresund region – Rotterdam.
Lead partner: Analyse & Strategi, Norway, with support from WSP Analys & Strategi, Sweden and Tetraplan.

2012 EWTC II – Scenarios for 2030 | 2011-2012 | The Danish Ministry of Transport

Within the Interreg-project East West Transport Corridor II, to look into the present and future development of transport flows throughout the corridor, as well as to and from surrounding areas. The work is carried out together with Ramböll Sweden.

COINCO II Prestudy for intermodal and interregional corridor Oslo-Öresund | 2012-2013 | Region Hovedstaden, Denmark

Development of a detailed study of infrastructure, bottlenecks now and towards 2030 between Oslo, the Öresund region and towards Hamburg. Detailstudies of infrastructure and bottlenecks now and in the future in the corridor. Furthermore, transport volumes now and elaborated for the future, incl. what this would mean for the infrastructure. Lead partner: Tetraplan, with support from Ramböll, Sweden and Analyse & Strategi, Norway.

CLOSER Railway | 2012 | CLOSER/Lindholmen Science Park, Sweden

Assisted the Swedish Transport Administration with an application for the FP7-project “Capacity4Rail”, where they are responsible for the freight transport area. This was done as part of a start-up of the railway activities within CLOSER. The 4-year project concerns a vision for the railway of the future towards 2030/2050. The work involves gathering forces, partners and a vision for the future of rail transport in Europe, incl. various pilot and demonstration projects. The project application was successful, with a score of 13 out of 15.

TransBaltic Terminal functions and Catchment areas | 2012 | WSP Sweden

Terminal functions and catchment areas in the Oresund region aims at getting a better understanding of the differences between a number of terminals in the Oresund region. The report presents the different functions, markets, catchments and distribution areas for the selected intermodal terminals. Subcontractor for WSP Sweden, for Region Scania.

Evaluation of EMS Trial | 2008 - 2012 | Danish Road Directorate

Project manager for implementation of a major evaluation of the effects of the three-year modular road trains trials. The trial began in November 2008 and will run for three years. The surveys cover all aspects of the trial incl. the traffic, environmental, transport and financial aspects of the study. Evaluation, including both the original network, as well as the subsequent phases of the network, as new network parts are added throughout the trial period. The evaluation was carried out in cooperation with Grontmij-CarlBro, Glostrup, Denmark.

National Transport Model, Denmark – Freight | 2009-2012 | DTU Transport

Project member regards the Tetraplan input to the NTM – freight. Tetraplan’s input is data collection of existing data and design of new data collection procedures, incl. in-depth interviews with stakeholders, in order to create sufficient base data for estimation of the NTM – freight. Further, also participation in the development of transport costs for the model, as well as for the intermodal network data.
Project carried out in co-operation with Incentive Partners

Baltic Transport Outlook 2030 | 2010 - 2012 | Swedish Trafikverket for the Ministry of Business, Energy and Communication together with the transport ministries in the Baltic Sea Region

Project leader for Baltic Transport Outlook 2030, which is an EU funded project and a strategic priority within the Baltic Sea Strategy that was adopted by the European Council in October 2009, where Tetraplan is lead partner in an international consortium. The overall aim of the project is to achieve better prerequisites for national long-term infrastructure planning in the Baltic Sea region to make the region more accessible and competitive. The Baltic Transport Outlook is expected to contribute to; • A common view of the region’s development concerning transport flows and economic growth; • A joint awareness of future challenges and potentials; • Better knowledge exchange of national and regional transport systems.

The core of the project is a study which will map the transport infrastructure and the flows of goods and passengers – between the countries in the region and between the region and other areas. Scenarios will be presented for developments until 2030. These scenarios will be the basis for discussions with and recommendations to infrastructure planners and other decision makers throughout the region on how to tackle future challenges.

EWTC II – Market potential for a new ferry line Blekinge - Kaliningrad | 2011-2012 | The Danish ministry of transport

Within the East West Transport Corridor II, to evaluate the market potential for setting up a new ferry line between the regions of Blekinge and Kaliningrad, including carrying out interviews with stakeholders in Denmark and Sweden, as well as compiling the findings from all interviews also those carried out in Kaliningrad by the main contractor, Ramböll Sweden.

Efterspørgsel i danske havne frem til 2030 | 2011 | Danske Havne

Efterspørgsel på maritim transport via danske havne med prognoser for 2020 og 2030 i forskellige scenarier. Scenarier beskrives opdelt på forskellige maritime sektorer, samt for forskellige godstyper og hvilken efterspørgsel der kan forventes i fremtiden.

EWTC II – Green Corridor Manual – KPI criteria, Mechanisms to achieve greener transport and Evaluations, recommendations and guidelines | 2011 | The Danish Ministry of Transport

The work is carried out in a small consortium, with WSP Sweden as lead partner. The 4 consultants are Sebastian Bäckström, WSP – Magnus Swahn, Conlogic, Magnus Blinge – Chalmers and Helena Kyster-Hansen, Tetraplan. 3 workshops will be held in order to reach the goals set.

HH Outlook 2050 | 2011 | Trafikverket, Sweden

Tetraplan is sub-partner to Vectura in the Helsingborg-Helsingør Outlook project regarding development in the Öresund area and the longer distance transports through the area for both passenger and freight in the period until 2050.
Tetraplan is responsible for making an outlook towards 2050, with different scenarios. This includes a workshop with high-level participants, in order to discuss possible alternative scenarios for the future in the region and for the passenger and freight transports within, to/from and through the region with the 2050 horizon.

TransBaltic – Scenarios for 2030 | 2011 | TransBaltic, Interreg project

A consortium is looking into different scenarios and forecasts for the TransBaltic project, based on the BTO Baseline 2030. A mixture of model analysis, using the TRANSTOOLS system and expert knowledge will be applied, as well as an environmental impact analysis and a terminal analysis will be carried out.

Climate strategy Region Hovedstaden | 2010 | Region Hovedstaden

Tetraplan and COWI are supporting Region Hovedstaden with possible measures for passenger and freight transports that could be included in its upcoming Climate Strategy. The market is screened for measures that have been tried, and possibly implemented in other parts of the world, in order to determine the potential for each of the measures in the Region Hovedstaden. Tetraplan was responsible for measures regarding freight transport.

TransBaltic Foresight & scenarios | 2010 | Region Västerbotten, Sweden

Tetraplan was commissioned by the TransBaltic project Task 3.3 to conduct The Baltic Sea Region freight transport foresight process. The work includes applying a foresight method, through a participatory process involving stakeholders, in order to develop concerted visions of the future of transport in the Baltic Sea Region and development paths to obtain these visions for 2030.
The project includes the following three work tasks: Creating scenarios; Moderating 5 debates on the future visions throughout the Baltic Sea region; Report on the results.

Femern Belt data collection | 2010 | Femern A/S, Denmark

Tetraplan was commissioned to collect data as regards the transports in the southern Baltic Sea as well as across the Gross Belt connection in order to form a basis for the transport volumes that would be influenced by the establishment of the Femern Belt connection.

FREIGHTVISION - Vision and Action Plans for European Freight Transport | 2008 - 2010 | EU Commission, DG TREN

Tetraplan participated in the Freightvision project and was responsible for the organisation of five ”FREIGHTVISION Foresight process meetings” with participation of all relevant European key stakeholders. Also responsible for the description of the central demonstration projects framing the vision of the action plan towards 2050. The project was conducted in cooperation with AustriaTech – Austria, Transver- Germany, SYKE – Finland, Mobycon – Netherlands, ProgTrans – Switzerland, EGIS – France, DTU Trafik – Denmark, ICCS – Greece, Oxford University – UK, FAV – Germany, Czech Technical University and Vienna University – Austria.

IBU 2, subtask 2 and 3 | 2009 | Region Zealand, Denmark

Tetraplan made a survey of passenger and freight services in the Øresund Region and, through this mapping, revealed characteristics of this traffic. Moreover, the region’s importance as a transit corridor was in focus, and this gave an initial series of recommendations for how positive interaction between the region’s role as a transit corridor and public transport corridor could be developed. Helena was responsible for analysis and interviews with various forwarders, in which the transport industry’s view of international freight transport in the Øresund region were analyzed.

Area Analysis of Danish ports | 2009 | Ministry of Transport, Denmark

Tetraplan has conducted a spatial analysis of 12 Danish ports for the Transport Ministry. The focus of the investigation was on commercial land use, including the conflicts that arise when a number of stakeholders interested in the land areas. Through focus group interviews with port authorities and port companies, land requirements and land use in the ports were identified, and the conflicts and their themes have been identified. The analysis ended up with a number of recommendations, not least to the public authorities with a view to the future to ensure a good development of the port’s business areas as possible, and reduce potential conflicts.

IBU 3 | 2009 | Region Hovedstaden, Denmark

As part of the identification of future infrastructure needs in the Øresund Region is the IBU 3 implemented a more detailed mapping of a number of current and projected traffic flows in the region, including flows related to Fehmarn and the 5th Ring The focus of this mapping has particular been on some of the congestion problems that might arise.

TEN Connect | 2008 | EU-Commission, DG TREN, Dir B.

Tetraplan was project coordinator for a study of the future policy on trans-European networks, including the development of scenarios for infrastructure development in Europe for 2020 and 2030, etc. The project was carried out with eight European partners. Helena was responsible for the bottleneck analysis, especially at EU-borders with other countries.