New Thinking

New Thinking Assignments

Nordic president | 2022 - | NJS - Forum of Nordic Railway Professionals

President of the nordic board of NJS. 

Rail vehicle maintenance in Scandinavia | 2022 | SCI Verkehr, Germany

Interviews re maintenance of locomotives and freight wagons in Norway and Sweden. Expectancies re market development etc.

Agent in Scandinavia | 2021- | MFD Rail, Switzerland

Leasing of intermodal rail wagons.

Greener freight | 2021-2022 | Capital Region, Denmark

Development of heavy transport/business transport projects for national funding.

Improve construction transport | 2021-2022 | Capital Region, Denmark

How do we improve transport in connection with construction?

  • Overview of locations and flows
  • Identification of actors
  • Identification of barriers and opportunities
  • Preparation of action catalogue for green optimization.
PA & Office Manager | 2021-2022 | Stender Byg, Denmark

PA and Office manager at a building site with 9 buildings. Responsible for ao. quality control and DGNB – sustainable building control systems, as well as various financial tasks

HCT tests | 2021-2022 | Tommy Nordberghs and Ekeri, Sweden

Extra-long vehicle combinations (High Capacity Transport) for trials on routes in Sweden. Work on application for tests with vehicles longer than today’s standard vehicle types.

Organisation of study trip | 2021-2022 | Capital Region, Denmark

Organisation and management of heavy transport study trip re electrification of trucks and green fuel infrastructure.

Chairman of the Board | 2021- | NJS – Forum of Nordic Railway Professionals

Chairman of the Board in Denmark, and Member of the Nordic Board

International truck transport in the Öresund region | 2021 | Europakorridoren, Landskrona Municipality

Development of truck transport across the Öresund from 2001 and onwards, including analysis of different trends and prognoses towards 2040. Capacity on the road network as well as road infrastructure plans for the coming years until 2035 and onwards. Prognoses for rail freight as well as possible shift from road to rail.

Analysis of freight data | 2021 | Capital Region, Denmark

Detailed analyses of freight data from reports, statistics and other sources, re. freight transports within, to, and from both Capital Region in Denmark and Scania Region in Sweden. Comparison of results as well as scrutinizing different scenarios and forecasts for the development of the different freight flows.

Working group for rail freight transport in Denmark | 2020-2021 | NJS Denmark/IDA Rail (voluntary)

Head of the work re. description of barriers and discussions of possible solutions with the different parties within the rail freight business. Preparations for workshops and thereafter documentation that will be presented towards the rail freight actors as well as politicians.

Future possibilities for rail connections for the Port of Aarhus | 2020| Port of Aarhus

Head of the work re. description of barriers and discussions of possible solutions with the different parties within the rail freight business. Preparations for workshops and thereafter documentation that will be presented towards the rail freight actors as well as politicians.

European and German Swap Body Market | 2019 – 2020 | SCI Verkehr, Germany

Overview of the European market for swap bodies, as well as an overview of the German market, as it is the largest market in Europe. Types of swap bodies on the market, incl. their use, as well as an overview of production, structure of ownership and leasing, together with number of units on the different markets now and in the coming years. Development of the swap body markets. The project includes some 30-50 interviews with concerned actors, ie. Leasing companies, large forwarders, producers etc. in Europe, with the main part in Germany.

Rail access | 2019 | SCI Verkehr, Germany

Is there non-discriminatory track access to the different rail systems for all rail freight operators? Investigate the conditions for access to the rail freight system in Germany, France and Italy, incl. track access charges, and spare capacity analysis. Share of private operators on the different markets, compared to incumbent operators.

Efficiency in processes at a road haulier | 2019 | Danish Road haulier with some 40 employees

Going through different processes in the daily work within a road hauling company with some 40 employees (full time and part-time) and +30 different road vehicles – from vans over different truck combinations incl. tractor and semi-trailer. The company work with a range of different services; courier, moving, refrigerated cargo, general cargo of different consignment sizes to movement of semi-trailers. Operations are done both in regional traffic in the Copenhagen area as well as national and international traffic. A large part of the work concerns daily matching the vehicles and drivers with the different cargo in different contracts, on demand as well as combining different consignments types and sizes on the spot market.

Market analysis Scandinavia | 2019 | Mitsui Rail Capital Europe, The Netherlands

Supporting Mitsui Rail Capital Europe with their analysis of the Scandinavian market for locomotives. Detailed overview of concerned actors, i.e. authorities, freight and passenger operators in Denmark, Norway and Sweden, incl. descriptions of each of the actors and contact details. Overview of the level of development of the infrastructure, especially regarding electrification and ERTMS and national plans for the implementation thereof in the coming years. Further the project included interviews with some of the main operators as regards development of the locomotive fleet.

Conference on Rail Ferries and Redundancy in the International Rail Freight | 2018-2019 | Region Skåne & NJS – forum for Nordic rail cooperation

Preparation of international conference, incl. finding speakers, programme, presenting report, moderating conference, and speaker discussions. Link to presentations etc