Applicable references within Sea

Descriptive analysis of the flow of goods in Skåne | 2014 - 2015 | Ramböll Sweden for Region Skåne

Description and analysis of the flow of goods in/through/to/from Skåne with base year 2003 and comparative year 2013. General trends, internationalising trade and transport, freight transport, national development, transport structure, border region, the logistics- and port region, as well as transport flows and key figures were analyzed.

Market research for Ystad Port | 2015 | Ystad Port

Market analysis for Ystad Port about its future development with a potential relocation of the port. researched the potential ways of strengthening the port from the existing future scenarios drafted in other projects in the Baltic sea region. Specific actions and tools to shape strategies for the port’s future development were also suggested.

Efterspørgsel i danske havne frem til 2030 | 2011 | Danske Havne

Efterspørgsel på maritim transport via danske havne med prognoser for 2020 og 2030 i forskellige scenarier. Scenarier beskrives opdelt på forskellige maritime sektorer, samt for forskellige godstyper og hvilken efterspørgsel der kan forventes i fremtiden.

Area Analysis of Danish ports | 2009 | Ministry of Transport, Denmark

Tetraplan has conducted a spatial analysis of 12 Danish ports for the Transport Ministry. The focus of the investigation was on commercial land use, including the conflicts that arise when a number of stakeholders interested in the land areas. Through focus group interviews with port authorities and port companies, land requirements and land use in the ports were identified, and the conflicts and their themes have been identified. The analysis ended up with a number of recommendations, not least to the public authorities with a view to the future to ensure a good development of the port’s business areas as possible, and reduce potential conflicts.