Applicable references within Rail freight

Working group for rail freight transport in Denmark | 2020-2021 | NJS Denmark/IDA Rail (voluntary)

Head of the work re. description of barriers and discussions of possible solutions with the different parties within the rail freight business. Preparations for workshops and thereafter documentation that will be presented towards the rail freight actors as well as politicians.

Future possibilities for rail connections for the Port of Aarhus | 2020| Port of Aarhus

Head of the work re. description of barriers and discussions of possible solutions with the different parties within the rail freight business. Preparations for workshops and thereafter documentation that will be presented towards the rail freight actors as well as politicians.

European and German Swap Body Market | 2019 – 2020 | SCI Verkehr, Germany

Overview of the European market for swap bodies, as well as an overview of the German market, as it is the largest market in Europe. Types of swap bodies on the market, incl. their use, as well as an overview of production, structure of ownership and leasing, together with number of units on the different markets now and in the coming years. Development of the swap body markets. The project includes some 30-50 interviews with concerned actors, ie. Leasing companies, large forwarders, producers etc. in Europe, with the main part in Germany.

Rail access | 2019 | SCI Verkehr, Germany

Is there non-discriminatory track access to the different rail systems for all rail freight operators? Investigate the conditions for access to the rail freight system in Germany, France and Italy, incl. track access charges, and spare capacity analysis. Share of private operators on the different markets, compared to incumbent operators.

Market analysis Scandinavia | 2019 | Mitsui Rail Capital Europe, The Netherlands

Supporting Mitsui Rail Capital Europe with their analysis of the Scandinavian market for locomotives. Detailed overview of concerned actors, i.e. authorities, freight and passenger operators in Denmark, Norway and Sweden, incl. descriptions of each of the actors and contact details. Overview of the level of development of the infrastructure, especially regarding electrification and ERTMS and national plans for the implementation thereof in the coming years. Further the project included interviews with some of the main operators as regards development of the locomotive fleet.

Conference on Rail Ferries and Redundancy in the International Rail Freight | 2018-2019 | Region Skåne & NJS – forum for Nordic rail cooperation

Preparation of international conference, incl. finding speakers, programme, presenting report, moderating conference, and speaker discussions. Link to presentations etc.:

Redundancy Railway | 2017-2018 | Region Skåne, Sweden

Analyse the effects that a possible abandonment of rail freight ferry traffic in Skåne would have for affected actors and for society, as well as identify which prerequisites are necessary to be able to maintain rail freight traffic via Trelleborg and Ystad.

Strategy | 2017 | Hector Rail AB

Project leader for strategy project, where a strategy for the company for the coming 3-4 years will be elaborated.

The Oslo Region Case | 2017 | Eastern Norway County Network, Norway

The project concerns the first part of a feasibility study for possible shift from road freight to rail/sea for transports between the Oslo region via western and southern Sweden and Denmark to Germany/Poland. Detailed description of current situation, future development and scenarios, as well as detailed analysis of results for potential for shift more environmentally adapted transport modes.

Infrastructure planning | 2017 | Jesjo Konsult AB for E12 Atlantica Transport project, Sweden

Mapping of processes for infrastructure planning on regional and national level in Finland, Sweden and Norway. Dialogue process about the border-crossing infrastructure planning, as well as differences in the planning in the 3 countries. The final report will also entail recommendations for development of the processes for border-crossing infrastructure planning in the concerned countries.

E12 Systems analysis | 2016 - 2017 | Ramböll Sverige AB for E12 Atlantica Transport project, Sweden

Systems analysis for the E12 corridor – covering Region Nordland in Norway, Region Västerbotten in Sweden and Region Österbotten in Finland and surrounding areas. Mapping of present transport flows and infrastructure, economic development etc.; Global changes, tendencies and transport development; Aims and goals for the transport development; Analysis of deficiencies and strategic challenges; and Methods for evaluating the effects of infrastructure investments. Preparing and leading 3 international workshops med project partners and external stakeholders.

Nodes and Logistics areas in Sweden | 2016 - 2017 | Ramböll Sverige AB, Sweden for Trafikverket, Sweden

Detailed information regarding important nodes and logistics areas in Sweden for Trafikverket. Create detailed and standardized descriptions for each node and logistics area for different departments within Trafikverket to have access to this information.

Analysis of freight hubs | 2016 | Region Skåne, Sweden

Analysis of potential development for strategic freight hubs in Scania Region. Description of the freight transport system in the Southern Baltic Region, Mapping of the relevant ports, road/rail hinterland infrastructure, economic structure, present freight flows and infrastructure charges. Development and forecasts as well as analysis of the findings.

CMP Rail competition | 2016 | Copenhagen Malmö Port AB, Denmark

The future of the container terminal in CMP and assessment of possible future competition from rail transport towards 2030 and beyond. Could it be that goods are transferred from ship to rail? What changes in transport can be expected through the establishment of the Fehmarn connection?

Descriptive analysis of the flow of goods in Skåne | 2014 - 2015 | Ramböll Sweden for Region Skåne, Sweden

Description and analysis of the flow of goods in/through/to/from Skåne with base year 2003 and comparative year 2013. General trends, internationalising trade and transport, freight transport, national development, transport structure, border region, the logistics- and port region, as well as transport flows and key figures were analysed.

Market research for Ystad Port | 2015 | Ystad Port, Sweden

Market analysis for Ystad Port about its future development with a potential relocation of the port. researched the potential ways of strengthening the port from the existing future scenarios drafted in other projects in the Baltic sea region. Specific actions and tools to shape strategies for the port’s future development were also suggested.

More rail freight in Denmark | 2014 - 2015 | Danish Transport Authority, Denmark

Develop solutions for increasing freight transport on the track. Companies with large freight turnover that can be transferred to orbit were mapped. Different and similarities in price and quality between track and car were discovered through case analysis in order to find measures to lift the rail traffic.

Results were discussed and will be included in future work on rail freight traffic.

Workshops Intermodal Transport & green corridors | 2014 | CLOSER / Lindholmen Science Park, Sweden

Preparation and management of two workshops in Gothenburg and Stockholm organized by CLOSER/Lindholmen Science Park in collaboration with Trafikverket, Climate neutral Transport On the Road (KNEG), Network for Transport Measures (NTM), Swedish Sippers Council and Swedish Confederation of Transport Enterprises. Reporting discussion results from the workshops.

Fehmarn Belt Fixed Link, Analysis of Rail Infrastructure Payment | 2013-2014 | Femern A/S, Denmark

Update of report made in 2003 regarding revenue related to rail traffic: Infrastructure charges, assessment of operating costs for passenger and freight trains. Conducted interviews with operators and evaluations of savings.

Demo Goods Railway | 2013 | CLOSER/Lindholmen Science Park, Sweden

Scanning of the European market for interesting projects and innovation, which may be part of a larger future demonstration project at the railway station area. Project for Trafikverket, conducted in cooperation with Vectura.

Rail freight demonstration projects | 2013 | CLOSER/Lindholmen Science Park, Sweden

Scanning of the European market for interesting projects and innovations that can be included in a future major demonstration projects in the rail sector. The project is carried out for the Swedish Transport Administration, Sweden, in collaboration with Vectura.

Closer - Shift2Rail for Horizon2020 | 2013 | CLOSER/Lindholmen Science Park, Sweden

Tetraplan worked for CLOSER, who is assisting the Swedish Transport Administration with preparations for Horizon 2020 in the Shift2Rail-project, where they are responsible for the freight transport area – Innovation Pillar 5. Tetraplan and Vectura Sweden acting as project secretariat for Innovation Pillar 5.

GreCOR – Measures for establishment of a green corridor | 2012 | Trafikverket, Sweden

Elaboration of a study of measures for establishment of a green corridor between Oslo and Randstad region-Rotterdam. Detailed discussions of possible measures for the establishment and detailed description of these necessary measures. Lead partner: WSP Analys & Strategi, Sweden with support from Analyse & Strategi, Norway and Tetraplan.

COINCO II Prestudy for intermodal and interregional corridor Oslo-Öresund | 2012 | Region Hovedstaden, Denmark

Development of a detailed study of infrastructure, bottlenecks now and towards 2030 between Oslo, the Öresund region and towards Hamburg. Detailstudies of infrastructure and bottlenecks now and in the future in the corridor. Furthermore, transport volumes now and elaborated for the future, incl. what this would mean for the infrastructure. Lead partner: Tetraplan, with support from Ramböll, Sweden and Analyse & Strategi, Norway.

CLOSER Railway | 2012 | CLOSER/Lindholmen Science Park, Sweden

Assisted the Swedish Transport Administration with an application for the FP7-project “Capacity4Rail”, where they are responsible for the freight transport area. This was done as part of a start-up of the railway activities within CLOSER. The 4-year project concerns a vision for the railway of the future towards 2030/2050. The work involves gathering forces, partners and a vision for the future of rail transport in Europe, incl. various pilot and demonstration projects. The project application was successful, with a score of 13 out of 15.

TransBaltic Terminal functions and Catchment areas | 2012 | WSP Sweden

Terminal functions and catchment areas in the Oresund region aims at getting a better understanding of the differences between a number of terminals in the Oresund region. The report presents the different functions, markets, catchments and distribution areas for the selected intermodal terminals. Subcontractor for WSP Sweden, for Region Scania.

Baltic Transport Outlook 2030 | 2010 - 2012 | Swedish Trafikverket for the Ministry of Business, Energy and Communication together with the transport ministries in the Baltic Sea Region

Project leader for Baltic Transport Outlook 2030, which is an EU funded project and a strategic priority within the Baltic Sea Strategy that was adopted by the European Council in October 2009, where Tetraplan is lead partner in an international consortium. The overall aim of the project is to achieve better prerequisites for national long-term infrastructure planning in the Baltic Sea region to make the region more accessible and competitive. The Baltic Transport Outlook is expected to contribute to; • A common view of the region’s development concerning transport flows and economic growth; • A joint awareness of future challenges and potentials; • Better knowledge exchange of national and regional transport systems.

The core of the project is a study which will map the transport infrastructure and the flows of goods and passengers – between the countries in the region and between the region and other areas. Scenarios will be presented for developments until 2030. These scenarios will be the basis for discussions with and recommendations to infrastructure planners and other decision makers throughout the region on how to tackle future challenges.

FREIGHTVISION - Vision and Action Plans for European Freight Transport | 2008 - 2010 | EU Commission, DG TREN

Tetraplan participated in the Freightvision project and was responsible for the organisation of five ”FREIGHTVISION Foresight process meetings” with participation of all relevant European key stakeholders. Also responsible for the description of the central demonstration projects framing the vision of the action plan towards 2050. The project was conducted in cooperation with AustriaTech – Austria, Transver- Germany, SYKE – Finland, Mobycon – Netherlands, ProgTrans – Switzerland, EGIS – France, DTU Trafik – Denmark, ICCS – Greece, Oxford University – UK, FAV – Germany, Czech Technical University and Vienna University – Austria.