New Thinking Business Development

New Thinking Business Development Assignments

Project Coordinator | 2008 | ERS Railways

ERS Railways runs freight trains in large parts of Europe both with its own traction and with subcontractors for the train operation itself.

Responsible for coordinating the following projects and contact with internal and external parties:

Sweden: Start-up of a new railway service in Sweden. Contractual and operational agreements with affected subcontractors and other parties as well as ensuring a smooth start-up and continued operational development.

China: Pilot trains with high-value goods with extreme complexity in the operational structure. Member of global project team and coordinating role for all issues regarding. ERSR’s part of the project.

Poland: Reduction of operational problems and a poor level of quality for the development of service to new customers.

Yield Management: Analyzes and assessments to improve and develop a “yield management system”, where the current cost picture, budget and current sales volumes are combined to ensure the best possible profit.

Web Portal Review and Sparring | 2005 | Rail Cargo Information Netherlands, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Systematic screening of the English section of the Rail Cargo Information Netherlands web portal and updating. Sparring about standardization of company profiles and company information, as well as the establishment of standards for these in different business categories.

Market study on intermodal equipment | 2005 | Tetraplan A/S, Danmark

Working out a market study on the development of intermodal equipment, especially semi-trailers, within the last few years and for the near future, including short interviews with chosen actors within the intermodal rail business in Europe. The work was carried out within the framework of the Freight Integrator Action Plan study appointed by the European Commission, Work Package 9.

Market analyses on railway safety in Denmark, Norway and Sweden | 2004 | Infra Safety Services, Dordrecht, Holland

Elaboration of thorough market scanning analyses of the Scandinavian countries, concerning the safety area within the Railway Construction Business, with separate analysis for Denmark, Norway and Sweden in order to establish a viable decision base for establishment of Infra Safety Services in Scandinavia. The studies include general information about economy, business opportunities and culture, etc. The construction area was scrutinized as regards regulation of safety, privatisation, investments, as well as maintenance. Further the main market players were described. Finally, personal contacts and meetings were arranged with different interesting key market actors.

Market study of rail freight and intermodal market in Scandinavia | 2004 | SBB Cargo, Basel, Switzerland

Carrying out a market study of the Scandinavian rail and intermodal markets in general with description of intermodal and conventional transport chains. The report also includes a very detailed overview of the different actors; Railway companies, Railway forwarding companies, intermodal operators, logistics companies, industrial logistics companies, terminal operators, and short sea shipping companies.

Business plan for intermodal rail terminal | 2002-2004 | Scandinavian Transport Centre, Køge, Danmark

Elaboration of a Business Plan for a future intermodal rail terminal in connection with Scandinavian Transport Centre and the port of Køge. Hereunder specific rail input in the design phase of the terminal, introduction to potential customers and partners as well as tactical sparring in the fundraising process including exploration of national and EU means and private capital.

Sparring on rail issues, Via Mare Balticum Project | 2002-2003 | Scandlines, Copenhagen, Denmark / Rostock, Germany

Sparring on rail questions related to the Via Mare Balticum project, which is an innovative new transport concept utilising the advantages of efficient motorways of the sea, new pioneering combined Ropax and Lo/Lo vessels, intermodal port terminals and integrated railway links. Hereunder elaborations of a detailed case study on possible results of private rail traction on the routes between Lübeck/Mukran and Bremerhaven/Rotterdam/Antwerp connected to the Via Mare Balticum project.

Start-up and management of company for rail specialised staff in Denmark | 2002-2003 | HSM Managements- und Beteiligungs GmbH, Pullach, Germany

Preparation and starting-up of the company MEV – Independent Railway Services,, as well as acting interim management of the company, specialised in provision of skilled railway production, operational and safety staff in Denmark. Hereunder identification of business opportunities, legal and financial establishment of the company, negotiation and completion of agreement with the railway labour union and customers, daily management of locomotive drivers and a small operational and administrative staff.

Status report on intermodal transport in Europe – update | 2002 | NATO, via Jernbaneverket, Oslo, Norway

Update of a status report on Intermodal transport in Europe elaborated medio 2000. The overall purpose of the comprehensive report is to create a general and thorough overview of the intermodal transport market in Europe. Thus both the development until today as well as expected tendencies for the future are analysed and presented in a clear and comprehensible manner.

Business plan for European rail traction | 2001-2002 | Maersk Sealand, Copenhagen, Denmark

Elaboration of a thorough business plan for European rail traction activities including strategy, concept, organisation, economy, evaluation and time schedule towards realisation as well as detailed route budgets.

Case study efficient rail traction | 2001 | Railion Denmark A/S, Copenhagen, Denmark

Elaboration of a detailed case study for efficient rail traction between Sweden and Germany based on through going operation. All part elements, as personnel, rolling stock and equipment, in the rail traction operation are scrutinized, and ways of optimising are highlighted through innovative measures, new techniques, market economical thinking and a thorough control of all cost elements.

Analysis of dimensions for intermodal transports | 2001 | IKEA Transport, Helsingborg, Sweden

Carrying through a detailed analysis of dimensions for intermodal transports on the European railway network in order to identify possibilities and demand for future intermodal standard equipment for the IKEA group of companies. Hereafter sparring in the process of identification of technical innovations for intermodal equipment by securing integration of present and future transport infrastructure limitations.

Application for PACT-support | 2001 | Gorthon Lines AB, Helsingborg, Sweden

Co-ordination and working out of an application for financial support from the EU-Commission within the framework of Pilot Actions for Combined Transport (PACT) to operational start up of a new intermodal short-sea route between Spain and Scandinavia.

Evaluation and sparring of railway opportunities in Europe | 2000-2001 | Maersk Sealand, Copenhagen

Evaluation and sparring in a process of decision makers regarding opportunities in the liberalized European rail sector, including the preparation of comprehensive reports on railway policy, development of the railway market, access to the railway, legal and regulatory requirements, railway strategy, concept and organization.

Business Plan IKEA Rail | 2000-2001 | IKEA, Ålmhult, Sweden

Completion of a substantiated recommendation for a decision regarding the elaborated European innovative Rail Capacity Concept, Network, Equipment and Organisation. Elaboration of business plan, budget, activity plan, job descriptions, and part taking in the steering group in the start-up phase of the company. Practical preparations for the establishment of an IKEA Rail company according to the above mentioned recommendation. Practical preparations of the first steps towards realisation of the elaborated IKEA Rail concept and strategy, as well as sparring by the implementation and start-up of the activities, hereunder elaboration of safety regulations for the company. Starting up the tender process for the establishment of the first IKEA Rail pipeline between Sweden and Germany.

Cost elements in intermodal transports | 2000-2001 | Tetraplan A/S, Copenhagen, Denmark

Working out a report on cost elements in intermodal transports in the Trans European Rail Freight Freeways, including evaluation of all cost elements for the whole intermodal transport chain in a pilot corridor between Gothenburg and Hamburg. Within the framework of the RECORDIT project, which is a EU-project within Research and Development of the 5th Framework Programme.

Status report on intermodal transport in Europe | 2000 | NATO via Jernbaneverket, Oslo, Norway

Elaboration of a comprehensive status report on Intermodal transport in Europe. The overall purpose of the report is to create a general and thorough overview of the intermodal transport market in Europe. Thus both the development until today as well as expected tendencies for the future are analysed and presented in a clear and comprehensible manner.

Application of PACT support | 2000 | BK Tåg AB, Vetlanda, Sweden

Co-ordination and working out of an application for financial support from the EU-Commission within the framework of Pilot Actions for Combined Transport (PACT) to operational start up of a new intermodal rail route between the port of Gothenburg (SE) and the Transportcenter Koege (DK) organised with private rail traction.

Transport of goods in the southern Baltic – options for the future | 1999-2000 | SEBTrans project - EU-Commission - Brussels

Within the framework of the EU Commissions Interreg program, participation as project partner in the project “Transport of goods in the southern Baltic – options for the future”. Especially involved in the practical work task to identify and analyse present and future logistic demands to the transport system in the Scandinavian – Baltic corridor until 2010, by planning and carrying through a market analysis through in-depth interviews.

Feasibility study and Business Plan X-Rail | 1999-2000 | EU-Commission, Brussels

Within the framework of “Pilot Actions for Combined transport” defining and carrying out a feasibility study for the establishment of a new innovative border-crossing Rail Traction Company, within the possibilities of the concept “Trans European Rail Freight Freeways”. Based on the findings of a feasibility study for the establishment of a new innovative border-crossing Rail Traction Company, a detailed and thorough Business Plan has been elaborated. A process of fundraising has been carried through, whereby the project has been presented and negotiated with potential investors, customers, suppliers and partners.

Risk evaluation system change | 1999 | Maersk Line, Copenhagen, Denmark

Evaluation of the possibilities and risks by system change for a large container traffic on rail and sparring in the process towards contractual agreement.

European Transport Capacity Concept | 1999 | IKEA, Almhult, Sweden

Creating and working out a vision of an innovative European Transport Capacity Concept. The concept aims at creating a strategy for provision of appropriate transport capacity mainly covering the future European needs for rail transport capacity. Elaboration of a detailed overview of the general market situation for the European railway transportation as well as the general political situation for the European railway transportation. Elaboration of a proposal to a future European IKEA Rail Capacity Network. Scrutinizing and creating a synopsis of the European intermodal technical standards and innovations. Description of a practical approach to the European innovative Rail Capacity Concept, within some of the present and future most important European transport corridors.

Study of intermodal market in Norway | 1998-1999 | GE Capital - TIP Services BV, Netherlands

Carrying through a detailed study of the intermodal market of Norway with special focus on the potential market for rental and leasing of transport equipment.

Restructuring traffic Riga – Moscow | 1998 | Maersk Line, Moscow, Russia

Completion of a route analysis and presentation of suggestions for a restructuring of the intermodal rail traffic between Riga and Moscow for the company.

Market strategy for leasing products in Europe | 1998 | Unileasing A/S, Copenhagen, Denmark

Elaboration of a market strategy including identification of potential customers for leasing products within the railway industry in 8 European countries.

Market analysis for Trans European Rail Freight Freeways | 1998 | ScanRail Consult, Copenhagen, Denmark

Subcontractor and sparring partner for the structure and start-up of a market analysis for the Trans European Rail Freight Freeways with the Nordic countries – ScanWays+.

Market analysis and strategy, intermodal market in Sweden | 1997-1998 | NDX Intermodal BV, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Elaboration of a market analysis for the intermodal market in Sweden, presenting the market in general and including detailed information of the market actors. Elaboration of a market strategy for intermodal traffic with Sweden including suggestions for a detailed business and start-up plan. Working out an analysis of volume and competition for intermodal traffic with Sweden including detailed information about main market corridors, commodities and split per mode of transport.

Status report in the railway liberalisation in Europe | 1997 | IKEA, Älmhult, Sweden

Elaboration of a status report with an evaluation of the process of liberalisation of the European Railway sector in general and with special focus on the development in the countries Sweden, Denmark and Germany.

Profile and recruitment of rail specialist | 1997 | Ahaus Alstätter Eisenbahn, Zug, Switzerland

Elaboration of job and personal profile for an innovative rail specialist for business development, sales and marketing and carrying through the following process of recruiting.